Monday, August 27, 2012

Report Bug / Comments

Please leave your bug report  or comment in the comment area. Thanks!


  1. Dear Sir / Madam,

    First of all I would like to thank you for your effort and generosity in releasing GPS Hiker.

    After being used GPS Hiker extensively (more than 50 hours of field use recording tracks and using offline maps) I must say that I have not found any bug so far.

    I would like to ask you if you have any plans to include some sort of feature to enable end users to manually add offline maps via iTunes (or similar) instead of using the freely available Internet map providers.

    Best Regards


  2. Isaac,

    In addition to the free online map download feature, GPS Hiker also supports local image file as the map. You can use iTune file share to put image file for map under the documents folder in GPS Hiker. Go back to the application to create offline map for local image file by providing its coordinates information and that's it.


  3. Jason,

    First of all: Great app!

    But the other day, I came across a problem. I entered a restaurant, and the program stopped logging my trail. It seems that was related to bad GPS coverage inside. At least the log says:

    30/01/13 19.31: No Location Update From GPS

    This is about the time I entered the restaurant (TZ UTC+1). I left it again around 20:30.

    The problem is that the trail logging did not resume when I left the restaurant, but only when I reopened the app several hours later, so I have a gap in my trail.

    Sections of GPX file:
    <trkpt lat="49.757756" lon="6.643128">
    <trkpt lat="49.757742" lon="6.643145">
    <trkpt lat="49.757692" lon="6.643211">
    <trkpt lat="49.757694" lon="6.643217">
    <trkpt lat="49.712548" lon="6.498380">

    Environment: iPhone 5, iOS 6.1, GPS Hiker 2.1.1.

    1. Karsten,

      Thanks for your feedback. GPS logging cannot work indoors as the GPS signal cannot penetrate the building most likely. If no GPS signal is received within certain period, the application will automatically pause the logging to save the battery power. You will need to switch on the GPS switch and resume logging after you are outdoors again. Hope this helps.


  4. Hi Jason,

    First of all, thanks for a brilliant app.

    My question is also about offline maps. I see your reply from January 16 about the offline maps, and I have to say I'm still not sure how to use iTunes file sharing to get a map onto my iPhone - I've put a map in via iTunes, but I don't see how to access it.

    But beyond any such difficulties that can probably be worked out, I have a question. I also use another another app on my iPhone called "Avenza PDF Maps" that can import just about any map and overlay a GPS position onto it. There's no route tracking feature, so its not very useful to plot a route, but its a nice accurate way of seeing my position on any topo map. The application uses the longitude and latitude marks on imported topo maps automatically position you based on the GPS location.

    I think this would be a really useful feature in GPS Hiker, making it much simpler to add any topo maps that have coordinates on them. What do you think?

    Best regards,

  5. Hi Jason,

    My compliments for this nice app. I have one question on adding an offline map to the main map. Whatever I try, the offline map can only be seen in the main map as "standard map", so no satellite view is possible, even if I select this in the configuration panel. I only see changes from standard to map in the background, outside the area of the offline map. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks a lot,


  6. Goodmorning,
    I am developing a crowdmap website for a specific valley in the north of Italy. It is a pilot project which is tenting to build community and gather non-expert knowledge. I want to build a autonomus geoportal for memories and stories. In ordert to do so I have involved local association passionate for the mountain, the authorities and I am going to pubblishing an article on a regional magazine.
    As long as the website has got also a function which let the users upload their gpx traces, I would like to officially link your app. Can we have a customization which is stating the collaboration once the users follow the link to your app?
    This is an innovative but small project which was approved from the Region of Piemonte to young entrepenurial. My intention is to let the virtual community use it over this summer in order to finalise the project by september.

    Please let me know if we could collaborate on the base of this pilot idea.

  7. Hi

    I dont Knowles if this is a bug , or if it's my limited knowledge however. GPS hiker do not seem to be able to acces my phones gps. It does not appear in the list of all apps that are using the phones gps positioning service

    So I haven't ever been able to run the tracker. But just browse around in app

    Looks like a vey good tracker app. Hope someone has a solution to me

    1. Krister,

      When you first use the app, did you authorize the app to use the location service? If not, you need to go to Setting -> Privacy -> Location Service to turn on the service for GPS Hiker.

      Please let me know if this didn't resolve your issue.


  8. Hi Jason

    The problem is that gps hiker does not appear in the list of all apps and programs that are using the phones location services, hence there is no way to manually enable that function, and neither do I get any questions about if I approve" that gps hiker acces the phones location services

    So i can't really I any way manage any settings regarding gps hiker

    Thanks for your concern

    1. Hi Krister,

      Now I can reproduce the bug. If I download and install GPS Hiker on iOS 7, I will receive the problem. Please confirm whether you install GPS Hiker on iOS 7. Sorry for your inconvenience. I will get it fixed.



  9. Hi Jason ,

    Twice I forgot, was going to write that I use iOS 7 if that would have mattered, and it did apparently ,

    When should I do a new try to download the app?


    1. Krister,

      For this particular issue, I fixed it already. However, I still need to change the UI for iOS 7. It's quiet a work. I plan to submit the fix in a week and it may require one week of time for Apple to approve the patch. Once it's release, you should be notified by App store if you still keep the app on your iPhone.



  10. I have just started to use GPS Hiker on my first hike today. Really like it. Can' t figure out how to download maps to my iPhone.

    1. Hi,

      I just completed the online manual for downloading the offline map. Please check

  11. Hi Jason,
    This is Jose Manuel from Spain. First of all congratulations for developing this app. I would like to use it. However when I get it from the App Store it always installed in Chinese. How can I get the English version?

    I thank you in advance for your help.

    Jose Manuel

    1. Hi Jose,

      By default, GPS HIker is using English unless you change the language to Chinese. Please let me know what is the language set in your iPhone.

    2. Hi Jason,
      The default language in my iPhone is Spanish. The app installs by default in Chinese. Once installed, Can I switch the language in the app from Chinese to English?
      Again I thank you in advance for your support.

      Jose Manuel

    3. Hi Jose,

      GPS Hiker uses the language setting in iOS to decide which language to use. If your iOS is set to Chinese, GPS Hiker uses Chinese. Other than Chinese, it uses English by default. You can try to set iOS language to English or re-download the app via your Spanish account. Please let me know if more question.

    4. Hi Jason,
      I changed the language in my iPhone to English and the app installed in English. Great!

      I thank you very much for your kind support.

      Jose Manuel

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello,
    This app works fine when I'm at home. It shows my location and the 3 buttons on the side work fine. However, today I was outside hiking and turned on the app but the GPS signal didn't work - it said it couldn't find the location. And the 3 buttons did not appear. What am I missing? Do I have to do something to make this app work outside in the forest? That's the whole point of GPS - so I know where I am outside. Please help. Thanks,

    1. Do you turn on the GPS switch on the bottom left? The GPS is not automatically on when you launch the application. This is to conserve battery power if you only want to search trips. Once the GPS is on, you should see button on the left side. Please also note that the buttons on the map can be automatically disappeared after a period of time if you enable this feature in the setting. You can touch the map and the buttons will appear again.

  14. hello

    when i open a save trip and it is placed on the viewing map...when i;m done analyzing it, how can i remove the trip from the map. at this point i close the program and then reopen...there must be an easier way but i can't figure it out...thanks

    1. Please click on the Configuration (Tool) button on the bottom to go to the Configuration screen. Scroll down to the bottom and you can find the Reference Trip button to remove the trip from the main map.

  15. Hi,
    I will like to know if I can provide you with a translation to spanish. I've been using this app for a couple of years and it's great. I've told my friends about it and they like to much as well. But some of them refuses to use it because it's not in spanish (and they can't understand english).
    I will be delighted if I could help with a translation to spanish, so this app could reach even more people.
    Please let me know if I can help.
    Thanks for the great app you've made !!

    1. Thanks for your help. Please contact me at and I should forward you the file to translate.

  16. Could you please explain how to load POIs into the phone ? A friend provided me with a list of coordinates of interesting places he suggests to visit but I cannot find out how to enter those into the phone. Thanks !

    1. If the POIs are stored in a GPX file, you can just send it to a email account and open it via GPS Hiker from the email. Or you can manually create a mark for your POI. To manually create a mark, make sure Quick Mark is turned off in configuration, either press on the Mark button (when GPS is on), or long press on the map and then press on the Mark icon to create a mark for POI by entering the name and coordinate. You can follow the same procedure to create multiple POIs and click on the Stop button on the map to save POIs into a GPX file for future use.

    2. Thank you for the answer ! I have one serious problem though. You can have only one gpx file displayed in the app (unlike Google earth, for example). Here is my situation - I have a nice trip downloaded from the internet (in a GPX file). Then I have 7 or 8 POI provided by my friend as coordinates. I create a csv file from those coordinates, then convert it to a gpx file, then upload it to the app. So far so good, I can see the poi provided by my friend OR the trip downloaded from the internet, but I cannot see both in the same time. Maybe what I need is to merge those two files into a single gpx file? Please confirm. If that's the case will the app make a difference what points are part of the trip and what are specific POI -- I guess this question is more about the structure of the gpx files, I am just not that familiar with it. Thank you !

    3. Hi Zara, I can understand your frustration. However, GPS Hiker is designed as a trip-centric application and is used to import trips (tracks and pois) for reference. It is not best at editing or merging POIs. I will recommend you use Garmin Basecamp for such purpose. Garmin Basecamp is free and you may edit tracks and pois in your way and export them to a GPX file.

  17. This is almost the perfect app for GPS backcountry use. Thank you and good job to the developer.
    What would make it even better is to be able to download the open street maps vector maps, one entire state at a time, as is possible in the apps called OSMAnd and This would provide more information when offline of the surounding area and in case plans change and we leave the little area of the bitmap map that I created before the trip. Would it be difficult to add this feature in a future update?
    Also, is there an Android version of this app? Thank you

    1. Hi Josh,

      Thanks for using GPS Hiker and comments for vector maps. I am not sure how to use vector maps yet and need more time to study it. Will let you know if I have a conclusion. As for the android version, my hands are tight with the iOS one and very unlikely I will have one in near future.



  18. Hi Jason,

    A question and a suggestion:
    Question: how do you delete Marks/POIs once created using the touch on map, create Mark?

    Suggestion: it would be great to be able to set what level offline maps are downloaded at. I use the as a backup map whilst cycle touring but with long days the maps are often at level 12 and so very high/difficult to read!

    1. If you want to delete marks, just click on the stats button next to the GPS switch on the bottom of the map. Then switch to the Marks tab, click on the mark to be deleted and swipe it to the left for deletion. Only marks on the current trip can be deleted.

      In the next version (work in process), GPS Hiker will support 6 zoom levels for the preloaded (offline) map, instead of 5 currently. Also auto-switch of preloaded map based on current location will be supported as well. The limitation of the depth of zoom level is to limit the download size so this application will not overload the bandwidth of those free map sources (this is the obligation I wish to obey, maybe other applications do not).

      Please let me know if any more question.

  19. Hi Jason ,

    it seems that the integration with doesn't work. I've created an account there but I'm not able to login using the app. I'm using an iPhone6

    1. Sorry to hear your problem. Actually it's who has the problem. The web site has been downsized after it was sold to Trip Advisor and the service quality becomes very bad. Sometimes it's very slow and sometimes it does not work. You just need to wait some time and try again. For example, I always wait until late night to upload my trip for bigger success rate. Hope this helps!

  20. Thank you for your answer. The login on the site works fine, even if as you already said the site itself is not so performant. Are you sure that the API used work correctly?

    1. It happened before that the API on mobile device did not work but the web site worked fine. The problem was resolved a few days later. I've tried the login on my iPhone 6 and it works ok. You can try to go to the Search screen and click on My Trips tab. There is a Login button next to the Help button on the top of the screen. Click on the Login button to try to login again to see if it works.

  21. Thanks for your answer. That's exactly what I'm trying to do but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Am I allowed to login to using the App from Germany. I see for example that the EveryTrail App has been removed from the German Apple store. I can't say why ...

    1. Are you able to search general trips successfully? It will at least show the api works in some way. I can see people still uploading trips to via my applications. It means the login is ok for them. Maybe you can try to create another account and give it another try. BTW, do you use special character in your password?

      Everytrail app is removed from all countries as the company was sold to Trip Advisor and I think they change their business model afterwards. I believe it is the founder maintaining the web site now and that explains why the site is so slow now due to limited resource. I really like and it has the richest set of trips on internet. Hope some company can take it over and make it better.

  22. Yes, I'm using special characters in the password and yes I'm able to search the general trips.

    1. Can you let me know which special characters you're using so I can verify whether this is the root of the problem?

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks for the info. I will investigate it and fix it in the next release if this is a bug.

  24. Thank you. I will try to set a password without special characters

    1. The '&' sign is not encoded in the way I wish in the url call to everytrail which causes your problem. I will fix it in the next release. Thanks!

  25. every time I use the App I get errant tracks that do not correspond with my route. I took a short 4km hike and the app tracked off some 23kms of tracks where i did not go. the errors seem to be straight line off shoots of my route. any suggestions?

    1. The fix is submitted to Apple for review and should be available to download once Apple releases. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    2. GPS Hiker v.3.5.1 is ready for download.

  26. Hi,
    I cant access my cam form in the app.

    1. I also noticed that some reviews for the app mentioned the same issue. However, I cannot see the problem on iPhone 6, iPod Touch 6, iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4. All on iOS 9.2.1. Please let me know which phone model and iOS you are using and I will look into the issue. Thanks!

    2. I am able to reproduce the issue. If you install the application the first time, you will encounter this issue. A fix will be released asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    3. GPS Hikerv3.5.2, which includes the fix for camera usage issue, is ready to download.

  27. Thanks, do you have a time frame for the fix with Apple?

    1. I fixed the bug already but still working on some new features. Please expect a release by the end of Feb.

  28. Hi Jason,

    Could you please adapt the app resolution for iPhone 6? The app works very well but the menus look zoomed in.
    Despite this, I find you app the best in its kind. Thanks for your great work.

    1. Thanks for your suggestion and comment. This has always been in my plan.

  29. Hi.

    Thank you for your app. I was wondering if you might include USGS Topography maps for offline use.

    Thanks for the consideration.

    1. I will do some study and let you know the result.

  30. Hi Jason,

    Thanks for creating GPS Hiker. I was using the app on a recent backpacking trip and noticed that when my iPhone went to sleep that GPS Hiker stopped tracking. Is there a setting to allow GPS Hiker to continue tracking even if the iPhone goes to sleep?

    Please let me know.


    1. Hi Dan,

      Can you check the GPS Tracking Setting in Configuration? Is Auto Pause Location Update on or off? If it is on, the location update will pause automatically if you don't move for sometime. It will restart updating if you move again for a long distance or turn on the phone screen. This is to save power. Or you can turn it off if you prefer saving the trouble to turn on screen after the break. Let me know if any more question.

    2. BTW, the app will keep tracking even if your phone went to sleep. Please this is not the case after you adjust the Auto Pause Location Update setting.

  31. Thanks for the quick reply. I turned off the Auto Pause Location Update setting and will try to test it out tomorrow. What should the Map Tracking Mode setting be? None, Follow, or with Heading?

    1. Map Tracking Mode only affects the map orientation and has nothing to do with gps tracking. You may choose whichever you like.

    2. Hi Jason,

      Update: I uninstalled GPS Hiker and then reinstalled it and GPS tracking is now working in the background.


  32. As noted on your blog, the EveryTrail feature has been removed after being acquired by AllTrails. I opened your app today for the first time in a while because we are going on a hike this weekend, but could not pull up any user Trips submitted by past users to a very popular state park. Is this because the EveryTrail feature was removed? Your app will find POI's, but none of the user Trips that went along with them. This was what I used GPS Hiker for. To follow the Trips/trails already saved by past hikers in order to see where we were along the trail. You mentioned that all remaining features work well without problem. What, exactly, are the remaining features? Thanks for the help.

    1. The integration with EveryTrail is to search EveryTrail trips with the location or name specified by you. Once the trips are found, you can view the content of trips and download its gpx file if necessary. You can also upload the trips recorded by yourself to EveryTrail so it can be shared by others. Without integration with EveryTrail, you can not search or upload trips in GPS Hiker.

      Without EvetryTrail, you can still find gpx file over the web and mail the file to yourself to be opened and imported as reference trip by GPS Hiker. GPS Hiker still provides the features to record your trip, trip info analysis (mileage, elevation gain/loss), following track to provided you the info like how far and how long to go, offline maps so you can still have map when no data coverage.

      It's sad to see EveryTrail go away. I did not receive any notification for what has happened only found out the new on the web. Please let me know if any more question.

    2. Also for your information, most people use GPS Hiker did not actually use the EveryTrail integration. On average, it has only 100+ requests to EveryTrail from GPS Hiker.

    3. Thank you for your reply. I primarily used GPS Hiker to pull up Trips uploaded by other users. That way I could search for a particular trail, save it to my device, and periodically check our progress while we hiked that trail. It allowed us to see how far we've gone or how far we had left until reaching a particular scenic feature on the trail. Since we were often in back country without cellular signal, the ability to save those Trips for offline use was essential. So just so I'm clear, this feature that I'm describing was only possible because of the EveryTrail integration, is that correct?
      Very disappointing because I can't find any other apps that did this for us. And now AllTrails requires a paid subscription to download maps for offline use. Sorry to see this happen.

    4. Everytrail is not the only source available to provide trips from others. The integration with Everytrail is just easier for GPS Hiker users to search and download the trip (gpx file) from them. Once a trip is downloaded into GPS Hiker, no matter where the file comes from, the remaining functionalities provided by GPS Hiker are all the same. For example, you can also download free trips from (similar to The difference between them is you need to search and download trips from garmin web site and send it to GPS Hiker via mail but GPS Hiker can search and download trips from Everytrail directly as Everytrail provide integration to 3rd party apps (like GPS Hiker) to do so. Garmin does provide such integration to 3rd party apps but it requests US$5,000 for license fee. In summary, you can get trips on the web and GPS Hiker will do the same thing as the ones from Everytrail. I will publish a document shortly for more detailed information.

    5. I will also suggest you take a look at as they also provides vast amount of trips for download. The registration is free and you can search trips based on where you want to go. Once you download the gpx file, email the file to yourself, open the mail attachment via GPS Hiker on the phone. And you have the same functionalities as before.

    6. GPS Hiker is not intended to make profit. It is my feedback to the community as an avid hiker. Your feedback is important to me to make it better. Thanks!

    7. Here is more detailed information:

    8. Thank you for your help and continued efforts to assist GPS Hiker users after the loss of EveryTrail integration. You've given some very useful information. I'll definitely look into the method you described using GPS Hiker with saved .gpx files from other sources.

  33. I am trying to import the gpx file from the following page

    I saved the file to my computer and e-mailed to myself. I open the e-mail on my iphone and the app tries to import it but stuck at "Loading"

    1. Hi Ravi,

      I can import the gpx file successfully. Please send your email address to and I can forward the gpx file to you.


  34. Hi, what does these two numbers stands for?
    Why does they changing?
    Thank you for your answer.

    1. the length of the ruler and current zoom level of the map.
      the larger the zoom level is, the more detail the map is.

  35. Hi. Love your app.
    I have made some gpx tracks with gpsvisualizer.
    In my language we have some special characters like æ,ø,á,ð and so on.
    The app has difficulties showing waypoints with these characters.
    I'll send you a mail with gpx file and screendump.
    Regards Kasper


  36. Hello; every time I try to create an account from me is the usual message: "Fail to create user Unkown error encounter". I try to follow the instructions: username letters / numbers and passwords at least 6 characters. Where am I doing wrong? Greetings.

    P.S. I created an account on but it is not accepted from the app.

    1. You do not need everytrail account or log in to use GPS Hiker. All your trips are saved locally on your phone and can be found under Saved Trips in GPS Hiker. Click on the bottom right icon under map and you will find it. is acquired by in Aug., 2016 so the free integration with Everytrail is no longer valid. I will remove the integration in next release. You can find more details in the link below:

      Sorry for the confusion and please do not hesitate to let me know if more questions.


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  38. I love this app and have lots of saved trips but the sort by name or sort by date options don’t seem to work. My trips are listed in no logical order making it difficult to find a particular trip quickly. Can you help please?

    1. In the next update, trip information (length, time and elevation gain) can be seen in Saved Trips and the trips can be filter by name or geo area.

    2. Thanks very much. When will the next update be out?

    3. GPS Hiker 5.0 is out and ready to download.

  39. Thanks. Just updated and selected “sort by file name” but nothing happens.

    1. Would you please send a screenshot of Saved Trips to so I can take a look? Tahnks!

  40. Hello,
    is there a reason why when I download tiles from OpenStreetMAp, the amount of tiles is always 2730 or 5460?
    That seems not right?

  41. Hello, just to tell that I appreciate your app GPS Hiker, we used it and it was fun. But I don't understand all the features of the app. Is there something like a manual with everything explained? Should I parse through the FAQ and forum for full understanding?

  42. Hello,
    I was wondering if there was a way to download the app outside of the apple Appstore. Also how accurate are the GPS coordinates? We were hoping to use the app as a last resort GPS for fieldwork

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